What Makes? Rotorua Radiant was the inspiraion of Marietta, having seen the other puzzles in the series Marietta approached Rachel requesting to produce an image for consideration and what a great image she has produced.
This puzzle is available in either 500 large or 1000 standard size pieces, please choose when adding to cart. Finished size for both is approximately 49 x 69 cm.
About the Artist
Marietta was born in New Zealand and is now based in Auckland having painted for twenty five years in both New Zealand and Australia. She is an Animation Artist and is currently working on a series of children’s books as well as being a realism artist for which she is represented by International Art Centre Auckland www.marietta.co.nz. Marietta has already created a (Queenstown/Wanaka) puzzle What Makes? Quanaka Quirky, this should be released in 2013.